Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Days 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22

Wow that is a lot of days I have missed. Sorry!
 I have not fallen off the band wagon! I just fell off the blogging band wagon. As far as the Whole30 I am day 23 today. I am still going strong.
I even had 2 people (not my family) tell me I looked like I had lost weight! That is such a bonus for me! I am getting back to where I want to be.
This last week was so temptation filled! I am pretty sure I have had more temptations this week than I did the first 2 weeks.
We went to Texas roadhouse this week. Their rolls and cinnamon butter is SO good and mostly my favorite thing there. I asked the hubs if we could just tell them not to bring any to the table, ya know out of sight out of mind type thing? Well he said no. he said “you don’t have to eat them but I sure am”. So mean. I sat and looked at them drooling. Just kidding it wasn’t that bad. I just told myself walking in that I wasn’t going to touch them. And I didn’t. Will power! I did have to ask them not to put seasoning on their steak though. They wouldn’t tell me if it has sugar or soy in it because it’s “a secret blend”. So I just nixed it all together. It was still good though. And come to find out they put MSG in their steak seasoning so I was EXTRA glad I didn’t have it put on.
On Sunday we had turkey dinner. Talk about torture. My Mother in law makes the world’s best stuffing. I could eat a plate of that by its self and often I do. So I sat and looked at the mashed potatoes and gravy and the most delightful stuffing ever and ate my salad and turkey. The Turkey was actually really really good. It was smoked. The flavor was tasty. I was content with my turkey and salad. After we played games and everyone ate ice cream and licorice. Torture! My sweet sister in law felt bad for me so she got out a big fat huge container of grapes. Crispy, sweet luscious grapes. I was so grateful. I ate my grapes and was super happy.
On Memorial Day we went and saw Star Trek. Captain Kirk….. YUM! Luckily eye candy isn’t against the whole30. I had a major sweet tooth for him. I LOVE POPCORN! The fake butter they put on movie theater popcorn is my favorite. I love it love it love it! I brought a little baggy of dried fruit to eat in my movie with me. Smelling the popcorn was a great big huge test of will power. Once again another thing this week that tested my resolve to do this.
I told myself when I started this that I would be 100%. I didn’t want to do this part way. If I was going to do the whole30 I was going to DO the WHOLE30. I know my brain and it doesn’t like being told what to do. I will fight to the death just to prove a point. It hasn’t been very excited about me doing this. But my body has been SO happy! I sleep better. I haven’t had caffeine in 3 weeks and I have more energy than I did before. (Sorry Diet Coke). My body is just really happy with me. My back boobs have gone from a D cup to a training bra. J Hopefully they go away all together.
I am kinda getting nervous to be done. This has been such a huge part of my life the past few weeks and now it is coming to a close. Can’t I just do a whole365? I feel scared to not have “oh I can’t eat that I am on the whole30” as an excuse. I know I still have 7 days and I don’t have to go back to the way I was eating before but it’s just easier to explain when you have an excuse. When this is over I will do a whole5days a week. I want to stay away from soy and dairy as much as possible all week long but as far as being as strict as I have been during the whole30. There are some things I will relax on. SCARY!
My mom introduced me to a really cool store today. Is a raw, vegan store. I know whole30 isn’t raw or vegan but there was some really awesome stuff. I got some spirunella, seed chip things that had nothing bad in it. They were really good. And some cashew spread that is really yummy on lettuce sandwiches. I also got some magic water. Its alkane water.  It’s called Kangen water. It’s supposed to react better in your body. It’s supposed to go to all your cells and hydrate your body better than just regular water. Look it up! You can buy it for only $1.50 a gallon. Its magic. I really like that store. The people that own it are 80% raw. I don’t think I could do that but a lot of what they say is similar to the ideas in It Starts with Food. I am learning so much more about clean eating and I love it. I want to stay a clean eater forever!
Sorry this is kinda a week wrap up. I am not very good at blogging. The only thing that has kept me going is the whole30. Its amazing and worth it and has taught me so much. I love the whole30!

1 comment:

  1. Uhhh that's not cool they put MSG in their steak seasoning!

    I'm very proud of you! You are very strong and dedicated. I need to have your dedication.

    I've been drinking alkaline water for a few months now. I think it has helped a little bit. There is a water mart on 12600 and 2700 that sells alkaline water and I'm pretty sure it's cheaper than 1.50 a gallon.
