Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 1

My train of thought this morning:
“I have no groceries. I didn’t make it to the grocery store this weekend and I have nothing to eat. We have plenty of food, just nothing whole30 approved. A left over chicken wrap from dinner on Saturday. I could bring that for lunch. I have granola bars in the pantry I could take for breakfast. Maybe I will just start the whole30 next week, when I have time to prepare. No! today is the day, now is the time. I will make it work.
I quickly scanned the fridge. I have eggs and a little bit of spinach. Great I will make an omelet. Breakfast done.
I have a container of cut up lettuce. I will eat a salad for lunch. I need some protein though, what can I eat for protein. Scanned the fridge again, taco meat from dinner a few nights ago. Perfect. Taco salad.  I grab the salsa also bought for dinner a few nights ago but remember I need to read the label. Wheat flour, and sugar. Crap I can’t eat this. I guess I will have to stop at the store on my way into work. I am going to make this work!”
I stopped at the store and got an avocado, and apple and salsa with no flour, sugar or any other unnatural additives. I thought I had day one in the bag.
I ate the omelet and a few hours later I was hungry. I am a huge snacker. I love to snack. That is one thing on this diet you cannot do. It made me realize how much food I really eat. I will eat a meal and a few hours later snack and snack. Totally unnecessary.
By the time lunch came around I was super read to eat. I ate my taco salad and it was delightful. I love avocado. I was satisfied. For a few hours
Then came my sweet craving. My crazy sugar addiction reared its ugly head and made me miserable for the next hour. It was an all-out war. Sugar-saruas-rex was roaring at me to eat something sweet, because “you have to eat sweet after a savory meal” but the mighty whole30 warrior was telling me it would be ok. I could survive without a treat. And guess what? I did! I made it through the rest of work and went home.
By the time I got home I was starving. I had to eat something good or else I was afraid I would crack and cheat. I decided to eat a can of tuna fish and some nuts. I know snacking isn’t allowed but I feel it was ok. I had read on the whole30 forum that a lot of people struggle with snacking. It’s something they had to wean themselves off of. My snack was healthy and protein rich. I will wean myself off of snacks just like they did.
Dinner was Mexican chicken soup.  Tomatoes, chicken, peppers, and chilies. Sour cream and tortilla chips would have made it better but I made it through. Filled my belly with soup and called it a day.
Today’s challenges: not snacking. No sugar. Feeling starving. Drinking only water.
Things I learned today: I used to snack and eat WAY too much. I need to make bigger breakfast so that I don’t get the urge to snack. I survived without a treat! Sugar-saraus-rex’s got nothing on this!
Whole30 fact of the day: Most “fad diets” make you pay for the diet information, pay for the food, pay for the supplements, pay for everything. This is 100% free, because it’s not a fad diet. It is an amazing tool to heal your body. It teaches you to eat wholesome nutrient rich foods. Foods that taste good, and feel good. It retrains your mind, your metabolism and your body to function properly. Of course they have products you can buy. Books, cookbooks, whole30 approved foods. All of which are optional and not necessary to having a successful whole30

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