Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 9

Today was an awful day.
First off let me say that as much as I will try to continue, I might not be able to keep up with doing this whole30 program.
The morning started out fine. I made a Greek omelet for breakfast. It had green olives, tomatoes and spinach in it. I am trying to venture out a little more. I am getting really sick of eggs. The things sounded good but the olives made the eggs taste funky. Not the best omelet I have made. Probably won’t make that again.
I read all sorts of good things on the website and even posted my first post on the forum.  I read today that you should be eating breakfast within an hour of waking up. I can’t because of the thyroid medicine I am on. I asked if it was ok or if I was ruining my whole30 try. The Moderator said it was fine.
Lunch was left over taco meat with avocado on top. I was going to buy some lettuce to put it on but I wasn’t very hungry. I think my stomach must be shrinking because my eggs really fill me up a lot in the morning. Maybe my body is just getting used to eating food like this.
I stopped at the store to get another apple as my one fruit serving of the day and got a call from my hubby saying he lost his job.
My mind immediately went from whole30 focus only to holy crap what are we going to do.
I enjoy the whole30. I know I have been complaining but it’s finally starting to get better. I don’t feel like crap anymore, I feel better, lighter and happier with my decisions. It is very expensive though. Our budget just got cut by about 40%.
I will do my best to continue this. I have 20 days left. I am 1/3 of the way through. I really want to prove to myself that I can do this. I just don’t know if I can afford it.
My sweet mother in law made dinner tonight and she made lemon chicken, lemon broccoli and salad.  I appreciate her so much! It was so kind of her to make a healthy whole30 inspired dinner.

I will do my best to share my good finds and good recipes on here still, I just don’t know what to expect. It’s all kinda up in the air right now.
Today’s challenges:
·         The entire day
·         Trying to stay with it, without the income to support it
·         Just life in general
What I learned today:
·         It’s best to share all the rules with family and friends. That way they can help you
·         Sometimes whole30 just isn’t realistic.
Whole30 fact of the day: there is a really good idea in the Well Fed cookbook called “hot plates” it’s a quick easy meal with all the different cuisines represented. You should get the book and read about them. they are awesome when you are in a time crunch

1 comment:

  1. I'm on day 16. Congrats on making it to day 9. I wonder if those olives would have been better as a side with the eggs? Just a thought. I buy good steaks and cut them in half and freeze them. They help when nothing else sounds good. Chicken tenders can be made a million different ways. I've been trying new foods too. I never ate fresh asparagus before this. You can do it. I'm lucky that I like to cook. I know that's a huge part of why this is working for me. It's not for everyone ;) I post my foods on my blog most meals. I noticed that a lot of them are kind of brownish. But maybe something I've made appeals to you? Good luck along the way. I can't believe I made it 16 days so far!
