Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 6

It’s the weekend. Scary!!!
We woke up and did crossfit. This is the first real hard workout I have done since I have been doing my whole30. I was worried that I wouldn’t have the energy to do it. I was fine though surprisingly enough.
I am obsessed with  A Game of Thrones both the books and the TV show. So I walked about to work out not expecting anyone to be there and there was Jon Snow. Ok not the real Jon Snow but he looked so much like him! Usually Ben (my brother in law/trainer) is hard on us, telling us to “keep going” “push harder”. But Ben was nothing compared to Jon Snow, he made us work so hard! He kept yelling “30 more seconds, don’t stop now” “get to your new position, hurry, hurry, hurry”. He was Jon Snow in looks and in intensity.
After working out I made eggs with mushrooms, spinach and avocado. I drank my strawberry kombucha and ate my breakfast outside on the patio and enjoyed the beautiful day while I watched my sexy husband mow the lawn. It was a perfect morning.
I headed out to my parents’ house, it was such a pretty day! The sun was shining, it was wonderful! And what does a sunny Saturday mean? Diet coke. But I didn’t cave. I was strong. I got to my parents’ house and had a water balloon fight with my little brother. Then I microwaved a sweet potato and ate that for lunch. My dad and I then went mother’s day shopping. We went to Costco and I was SO strong! There were so many good samples out there. Sandwiches, licorice, and cheese. My dad got a hot turkey sandwich after we checked out. Usually I can be ok with people eating around me but I was hungry and having him eat that in front of me killed me. I tried to stay strong but my resolve was slowly eating away.
We still had a few more errands to run so I stayed strong as best I could. We went to big 5 and I lost it. I called my mom and my husband saying I couldn’t do this for one more second. I was hungry, I was tired, and I wanted to just eat something easy and filling. I want sugar, I want candy. Both of them were my cheerleaders and told me that I could do it. They told me not to give up. I would be so bummed if I did and that it’s only one more day. I only need to make it through today. We hurried home and when I got back to my parents my mom had made me 3 hardboiled eggs, and a sliced tomato. She had it all ready when I got home. It was so thoughtful and I was so grateful! I have such supportive family! I honestly feel like that is the number one thing while doing this. Find a support group. People who you can cry to, and complain to. People who will cheer you on and make you hard boiled eggs when you can’t make it one more day.
Not eating protein with my lunch of a sweet potato was a bad idea. It made me almost quit. Lesson learned there!
After I ate that I was still hungry. That sounds like the hungry caterpillar. We had planned to go to Chipotle for dinner because you can have a carnitas salad with pico, salsa and guac on it. Well Jeremy and my dad wouldn’t go there. Jer said he didn’t want Mexican and my dad wont support them because they pulled their funding from the boyscouts. So I had a yelling moment. Told them all that we needed to decide right away before I ripped someone’s head off. I am definitely in the “kill all the things” stage. And we decided to go to In-N-Out.
You can have their hamburger protein style with pickles, mustard, tomatoes and onions.
 I ordered two……
It was so yummy! Exactly what I needed. Then I felt nice again.
I have still been SO tired since doing this. I passed out after dinner as if I was drugged.
Today’s challenges:
·         I wanted to quit
·         Not eating sugar, candy, cake, ice-cream
·         Going to Costco and not eating samples
·         Being tired of eggs, protein and veggies
·         Being tired in general
Things I learned today:
·         I need to eat protein with every meal!!
·         Having a strong support system could make or break this
·         Chipotle has a meal you can eat
·         This is harder than I thought
Whole30 fact of the day: I have been asked this, an you might too. “how do you get enough calcium?” they have it broken down in an easy to read page

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